Ghost of Tsushima Legends and Other Stories
Finished Hades after a number of clears, including the ‘true’ (final?) ending. I’d be the first to admit that I’m not great at games, especially games like Hades, so I did need to run the game with a high God Mode to get there, but it was fun anyway. It took me forever to figure …
Hades the Game and Other Stories
So I started playing Hades. I’ve been avoiding trying it for a while since it was a roguelike game, and I’m not very good at those: only for it to suddenly be everywhere. I guess the game exited beta. Snapped it up once it popped on the Switch, and I’ve had to play it on …
Yakuza 0 and Other Stories
Finally got around to trying the Yakuza games, because Steam was selling a bundle (Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, and Yakuza Kiwami 2) for $90. The game makes me miss visiting Japan: particularly Tokyo and Osaka, where the 2 stories are set. It’s been fun moving Kiryu and Majima around, getting them to go to soba …
Ghost of Tsushima and other stories
This game blew me away. Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played. It’s a visual feast with three separate biomes, changeable weather, gorgeous scenery that gives you a whole ‘nother level of immersion. It’s so beautiful that for me it forgives some of the game’s little flaws. Though yes, …
Achar and Other Stories
Was floored to hear that my short story submission to Avatars.Inc, Life in Achar, was the winning Community Choice story! You can read it [ here ], and I hope you like it. It’s about two of my favourite things: conservation and food. Avatars.Inc sent me a ton of swag as prizes, still stunned at …
This Year is Getting Worse
SOME THINGS TO READ Amy McQuire | We Must Bear Witness to Black Deaths in Our Own Country Ibram X. Kendi | The American Nightmare | The Atlantic James Baldwin | How to Cool It | Esquire Jamil Smith | American Plague | Rolling Stone Nadia Latif and Leila Latif | We Know What it …
Book Events and Other Stories
#SixBooksSixPeople! I’ve talked about these books briefly over on Twitter, but they need more love: David B. Berman | Do Good Design: I first heard David speak when I was volunteering for the agIdeas design conference in Melbourne, and it was a revelation: he talked about the importance of accessible design. Some of his comments …
Book Birthday! And Other Stories
Writing Supervisor Russ commands you to try Cradle and Grave. Naow. It’s a book birthday! My new dystopian SF&F novella, CRADLE AND GRAVE, has been released into the wilds, along with Leigh Harlen’s QUEENS OF NOISE. You can pick them up (here) if you haven’t. Read them if they’re your kind of thing: if you …
Chicken Soup for the Reading Soul
The previous post might have been a little grim. Leading up to the home stretch for CRADLE AND GRAVE’s kickstarter (which you can still support here), I’ve been considering a list of nonfiction articles to write that might be relevant to my novella, but I think everyone’s looking for a bit of breathing space right …
So You’re Writing the Apocalypse (During An Apocalypse)
Well, this year sure escalated quickly. A long, long time ago in November 2014 (I feel like I’ve aged a million years since 2014), I took a third crack at writing an original book-length story for Nanowrimo. It didn’t get far, because my completion record for Nanowrimo tends to be quite hit and miss at …
So You’re Writing the Apocalypse (During An Apocalypse) Read More »