A Blade Runner Dinner and Other stories
I run my agency’s blog, which means a regular update of about one long article a week and several short “of interest” posts every day. The agency blog is really part of our SEO strategy: I try to write articles that would heavily focus on keywords that people might search up when they look for …
Continuum and Oz Comic Con 2019
For a city that you can walk across in twenty minutes or less if you try, Melbourne always has something going on. Sometimes it has way too much going on, and you have to bend space and time if you want to get everywhere that you want. Or spend an hour scheduling everything to fit and stick …
The Aurealis Awards 2019
Procrastination is such a weird affliction for me. Sometimes, while trying to avoid The Thing which I set aside time to do, I end up doing a whole other Convoluted Thing, which turns out to be even more work than the Original Thing. tldr: I completely overhauled my website while procrastinating on writing a blog post. …
Flash Fiction: If the Apocalypse Happens and CNN Isn’t There, Did it Really Happen?
Some days you sell a story and the fact that you even managed to sell it takes you by sheer surprise. That’s what happened with this one. Earlier this year I sold “If the Apocalypse Happens and CNN Isn’t There, Did it Really Happen?” to Daily Science Fiction, and I’m still surprised they were willing …
Flash Fiction: If the Apocalypse Happens and CNN Isn’t There, Did it Really Happen? Read More »
Flash Fiction: Eight Characters
Eight Characters is a flash fiction I wrote that was published in Daily Science Fiction in January of this year, based on the 八字 system. You can check it out here (x). 八字 (bazi) or literally: eight characters is a Chinese astrological concept where it’s believed you can calculate your destiny based on the hour, …
Short Story: Eight-step Kōan
Eight-step Kōan is a short story of mine that was published in the anthology Sword and Sonnet, a collection of short stories about battle poets. You can buy the anthology here (x). Check it out! It’s full of beautiful stories. And what a great idea for a theme. I have to admit I didn’t really …
Short Story: Everything Under Heaven
Everything Under Heaven is a Peranakan wuxia short story about dinosaurs, published by Uncanny Magazine for their Dinosaur issue. It’s available to read here, with my interview about the story (and the other stories in the issue) available here. Hope everyone likes it! Uncanny Magazine is one of my favourite SFF magazines, along with Strange …
Flash Fiction: You Can Summon the Ancient One for Fifteen Dollars
My new flash fiction for Daily SF is “You Can Summon the Ancient One for Fifteen Dollars”, a weird, modern, urban fantasy story. It’s available to read here. It starts by talking about the lack of elephants in the circus, a good thing by my books. In 2011 Motherjones published the results of its year-long …
Flash Fiction: You Can Summon the Ancient One for Fifteen Dollars Read More »
Short Story: Machine Language
My short story Machine Language was published by Aurealis, an Australian SFF speculative fiction magazine, available to buy here. It was inspired by an incident in Junior College (equivalent to high school year 11-12 I think) in Singapore. We had a careers talk in a large lecture hall for everyone in our year, and when …
Short Story: Big Mother
Big Mother is my first short story sold to Strange Horizons, making it my first pro short fiction sale, and my first story published in 2018. Happy new year! And wow, it’s been a long time since I last posted on this site. I’ve been trying to keep busy, not just at work. I’ve written …